Carry On, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse

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Sometimes I just need something light. Something that makes me chuckle. I’ve been reading a lot of old classics (which I love) and nonfiction (which fascinates me). But when I went to start another portion of my painting project, I needed something light and funny. I couldn’t concentrate on serious when I was doing a chore I wanted to procrastinate.

P.G. Wodehouse’s collection of short stories about Bertie Wooster and his butler Jeeves was simply perfect. It was my first foray into the world of Bertie and his witty butler, and these stories made me crave more.

The best part of the Jeeves stories is the interaction between the two. Bertie is a wealthy British bachelor who thinks quite highly of himself. He is ridiculous. Jeeves is, quite simply, a perfect servant and a genius. Jeeves takes control of situations and use things to his advantage all the while Bertie thinks he’s in charge.

Carry On, Jeeves has ten stories, including one about the first day Jeeves entered into Bertie’s services. A few of them take place in New York, but others are in England and Europe. Jeeves saves the day in all of them, in his own style. Bertie, of course, is ridiculous.

Much thanks for my library’s e-audiobook website. The version I listened to was wonderfully narrated by Martin Jarvis. I now know I have a perfect go-to when I need an audiobook like this!

What is your favorite Bertie and Jeeves story? I’m ready for more!

Reviewed on February 18, 2010

About the author 

Rebecca Reid

Rebecca Reid is a homeschooling, stay-at-home mother seeking to make the journey of life-long learning fun by reading lots of good books. Rebecca Reads provides reviews of children's literature she has enjoyed with her children; nonfiction that enhances understanding of educational philosophies, history and more; and classical literature that Rebecca enjoys reading.

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  1. So glad you had such a rewarding first Wodehouse experience! As you know, I discovered him last year and fell madly in love with Bertie and Jeeves – their madcap antics rarely fail to amuse! I would highly recommend “Jeeves in the Morning” (also known as “Joy in the Morning”), which is a full-length novel and is absolutely wonderful. Far better than “Thank You, Jeeves” which was the first J&W novel and felt less polished. To literary laughs!
    .-= Steph´s last post on blog ..“The Egyptologist” by Arthur Phillips =-.

  2. Yay! I have this one at home. 😀 I plan for my first Wodehouse book to be The Code of Woosters but soon afterwards this one. 😀
    .-= Amanda´s last post on blog ..3 Graphic Novel Reviews =-.

  3. Steph, thanks for the rec! I’ll definitely have to read more.

    Amanda, I hope you enjoy it. It’s light and fun.

    Kathy, It was!

    Mrs B, I’ll have to find that one!

    Aarti, Sorry that one didn’t work for you. I’ll not go there next…

    Nymeth, I saw your review for that, too bad it was disappointing!

    Olduvai, I actually didn’t know it was stories when I picked it up, but I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable it was!

    Eva, yes, I can see how these are better in audio. The narrator did such a good job of capturing the personality!!

    Literate Housewife, It’s lots of fun!

    Jenny, I haven’t even heard of Psmith. Off to look it up!

    Claire, I hope you enjoy Wodehouse!

  4. I just read “Jeeves in the Springtime”-loved it-there are links in my posts to the radio broadcasts Wodehouse made that got him in trouble at home (he was in France) during WWII-worth reading so one can decide for yourself on the issue on him that will come to the fore when the BBC broadcasts a 2 hour show on him-Orwell defended Wodehouse and I also link to his essay-I really enjoyed your post

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