Horns to Toes and In Between by Sandra Boynton

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I’ve been reading my son Horns to Toes and In Between by Sandra Boynton (originally published 1984) since he was four months old. He’s now 15 months and I’m delighted that he has begun to respond as we read together. This board book is a ridiculous book for learning our body parts because the narrators are monsters and, of course, they have horns on their heads and tails. I’m sure this will lead to lots of laughs as he gets older.

This month, my son began pointing to his head for the first page, as I’ve always done when we read it. I was so excited to see it. He’s learning! He also had fun trying to see his belly button. What a fun age he is at! I can’t wait to see what other things he begins to react to as we read books together.

What did you read your children last month? What are you reading today?

Reviewed on January 4, 2009

About the author 

Rebecca Reid

Rebecca Reid is a homeschooling, stay-at-home mother seeking to make the journey of life-long learning fun by reading lots of good books. Rebecca Reads provides reviews of children's literature she has enjoyed with her children; nonfiction that enhances understanding of educational philosophies, history and more; and classical literature that Rebecca enjoys reading.

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  1. My niece is almost three now, and she loves to cook, so I got her Mally Katzen’s Pretend Soup and other Real Recipes-it’s aimed at 3 and up, and she loves it to death. 😀  Last Christmas, when she was closer to your son’s age, my grandparents got her Bad Dog Marley and she really enjoyed that one.  We read to her so much, and she has so many books, none others are sticking out specifically in my mind right now.

  2. Eva, that sounds like an awesome book! My husband and I both like to cook, so I’m going to have to get that for my little one as soon as he old enough to “help” out!

  3. I am sure I’ve made this comment before, but do you have Doggies by Boynton? My son LOVED that one, especially the page where they howl.  That was the first book that he anticipated a certain page and then reacted to it every time.

  4. Lisa, we don’t have Doggies. But I’m sure I’m always going to remember this one, where he did start responding! Care, I haven’t heard of that one! Must look it up.

  5. We read all Christmas books last month and just came back from the library today with a bag full.  Right now they have to read Barnyard Dance every single night.  I sometimes here my three year old reciting it while he’s playing.

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