Recycle Every Day by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace

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With a collage bunny illustration style, Recycle Every Day by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace (Two Lions, 2003) shows how bunnies Minna and Pip learn about recycling and making earth-conscious decisions. This includes donating old clothing, starting compost collection, using reusable bags, and choosing recyclable materials, as well as traditional recycling ideas. The story frame of Minna making a poster for school provides a nice thread to carry the story along, making it feel like a fictional story with educational concepts, rather than a straight-forward nonfiction text.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024

About the author 

Rebecca Reid

Rebecca Reid is a homeschooling, stay-at-home mother seeking to make the journey of life-long learning fun by reading lots of good books. Rebecca Reads provides reviews of children's literature she has enjoyed with her children; nonfiction that enhances understanding of educational philosophies, history and more; and classical literature that Rebecca enjoys reading.

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