Oh books! How I love thee! If you have ever purchased a physical book because of its cover or because it will nicely match the books already on your shelf, then The Clothing of Books by Jhumpa Lahiri (published in the US with Vintage Books, 2016) will be a delight for you, as it was

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Before Wilbur and Orville Wright, there was The Flying Man. Otto Lilienthal lived in Germany, and from a young age, he dreamed of soaring in the air like a bird. He and his brother, Gustav experimented with making wings to fly. Unsurprising, wings did not work, as he could not flap them quickly enough and

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I was probably ten when I first began experimenting with WordPerfect’s fonts on our family’s personal computer. I typed the name of each font, highlighted it and selected the font from the list (because, of course, this was before you could see the font on the menu) and then I’d print out the list of

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