Two Graphic Novels: Anya’s Ghost and Castle Waiting (Vol 2)

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I often enjoy the experience of reading a comic novel, and the two I read in the past month were refreshing, original, and fun.

Anya’s Ghost by Vera Brosgol

Anya tries hard to avoid sticking out at her private high school, but that’s hard to do when she’s awful in gym class and stuck with a very Russian last name. When she befriends a ghost, she must figure out what she really wants from her life, especially when she solves the ghost’s mystery. The pictures are perfect, and the themes of friendship and fitting in just the way you are seem perfect for a middle school or high school audience. A wonderful, uplifting graphic novel with a fun bit of haunting and mystery thrown in for interest. (View a trailer for the book; Published by First Second, June 2011)

Castle Waiting Vol. 2 by Linda Medley

In the second installment of the fantasy comic, we learn far more of the backstory of the people who have sought refuge in the castle: Jain and her mysterious child Pindar, Henry the ironsmith, and Simple Simon, to name a few. It also introduces new characters when some visitors come to the castle.

As a part of a continuing series, Castle Waiting Vol. 2 ends without resolutions, and it was a little frustrating to turn the last page. Nevertheless, this volume made me fall in love with the characters and the setting even more than the first book, which I want to reread now. Linda Medley stated she wanted to create fairy tales that told the story of what happened after happily ever after. The castle is a happy place, but it shows that everyone has a secret even in the happiest of places. I love the fantasy world she’s created here, and I hope she continues the story. (Published by Fantagraphic books December 2010)

Reviewed on July 20, 2011

About the author 

Rebecca Reid

Rebecca Reid is a homeschooling, stay-at-home mother seeking to make the journey of life-long learning fun by reading lots of good books. Rebecca Reads provides reviews of children's literature she has enjoyed with her children; nonfiction that enhances understanding of educational philosophies, history and more; and classical literature that Rebecca enjoys reading.

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  1. I really enjoyed the first Castle Waiting, but I do find it frustrating that the second one has so many unfinished stories, too- especially as there is no news of a third installment.

    Anya’s Ghost sounds lovely 🙂

  2. Castle Waiting bothers me… I had heard that things were not wrapped up in the second book, so now I am not sure if I want to read on or not. I am waiting for my turn for Anya’s Ghost, though.

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