Wild Zoo Train by Carmela Lavigna Coyle, illustrated by Steve Gray (Muddy Books, 2017), does not attempt to be a serious nonfiction text about biomes. However, for young students’ introduction to the concept, it would work well to engage the young reader to understand that there are unique biomes in the world, including the North American desert (Canyonlands), the rainforest (Amazon Jungle), African savanna, and the polar desert (Antarctica).
Young children will love the repetitive choo-choo-choo and ding-ding-ding, the animals to find on the page, and the silliness of considering the last destination (the moon) as a similar wild location. To use as a part of a lesson about terrestrial biomes, consider returning to the text to compare and contrast the places visited and give the biome names in preparation for further study.