Stuffocation by James Wallman (Spiegel and Wrau, March 2015) is an interesting analysis of the problem with materialism and a discussion of how seeking out experiences is more rewarding and fulfilling than buying things. I certainly appreciated the analysis of the problems of materialism (many of which I feel on a daily basis!) and I

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Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley (Bantam Dell, 2002) is a self-help manual for women in need of ideas how to get organized in cleaning their homes and de-cluttering. It is written by The FlyLady, a popular blogger since 1999, who has a lot of follower she calls “FlyBabies.” While the book itself made for slightly

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The Clutter Cure by Judi Culbertson (McGraw Hill, 2007) helped me refocus my efforts at keeping my home nice. In her book, Ms Culbertson helped me identify my weak areas for accumulating clutter, recognize what I really want out of my space, and undertake some easy solutions for eliminating clutter without guilt. As I read

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