Water is Water by Miranda Paul, illustrated by Jason Chin (Roaring Brook Press, 2015). Although the subtitle is “A Book about the Water Cycle,” Water is Water provides a readable, poetic reminder about the various stages in which water accumulates on the Earth. The various forms water takes range from water to steam (technically, it

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With an emphasis on the impact of the ocean in every aspect of our lives, The Ocean in Your Bathtub by Seth Fishman, illustrated by Isabel Greenberg (Greenwillow Books, 2020), introduces the water cycle by showing how the ocean’s water not only cycles through various stages, but also sustains life that feeds the world, provides

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A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park (Clarion Books, 2011) is a fictionalized version of two related stories in the recent history of Sudan. It tells two parallel stories, one in the 1980s and the other just a few years ago. In the early story, a young boy is caught in the crossfires of the Southern

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