Birdie’s Big Girl Dress by Sujean Rim

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Birdie’s birthday party is tomorrow but in Birdie’s Big Girl Dress by Sujean Rim (Little Brown, 2011), she discovers that her favorite party dress is too small! Thus begins a search for the perfect party dress for Birdie. When the stores prove fruitless, she finds treasure in her attic.

With detailed watercolor illustrations and just a little bit of collage, Birdie’s ultimate discovery appears as a multi-dimensional treasure. This book celebrates a child finding their own way to express themselves, and I enjoyed following Birdie on her search and as she created her final solution.

Reviewed on December 13, 2011

About the author 

Rebecca Reid

Rebecca Reid is a homeschooling, stay-at-home mother seeking to make the journey of life-long learning fun by reading lots of good books. Rebecca Reads provides reviews of children's literature she has enjoyed with her children; nonfiction that enhances understanding of educational philosophies, history and more; and classical literature that Rebecca enjoys reading.

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