Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

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Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy is an inspiration inspirational book for anybody needing the motivation to put off procrastination and become more efficient in using their time, their energy, and their talents to improve their career or their life as a whole.

I read Eat That Frog initially as inspiration for me and my small business efforts. However, as I read I found it to be inspiring to me in my role as a mother and caretaker of my children and as a homemaker caring for a large home. I’m in more inspired now to make cleaning habits time to develop better habits in general about my days. 

In terms of my small business, there was a lot of encouragement in the book. However, because I am a stay-at-home mom, homeschooling on top of that, I feel that it is quite difficult to do some of the suggestions like scheduling time and staying focused. Obviously, during the day, my kids are my priority. That said, there was lots of good advice and stories in this. It is just over 100 pages, divided into 21 short chapters. Each chapter provides an analogy and some way to refocus our goals. The book is for those ready to make the effort. The title refers to the fact that if eating a frog is the worst thing you have to do all day long, you should eat the frog first thing in the morning and all day you will know that nothing could get worse.

I like the book, however, I’m guilty as charged: I put off reading it until I realized I could no longer renew it, and then I read it quickly. This is a book that should be revisited in order to implement the goals suggested. To remember the 21 different suggestions given by the author, this is a book I should revisit when I am ready to implement the goals.

I just find it is hard, though, as a stay-at-home mom to prioritize time when every day so different.

How do you keep focused in a small business or as a busy mom when each day is completely unpredictable with kids and their needs?

Reviewed on July 27, 2015

About the author 

Rebecca Reid

Rebecca Reid is a homeschooling, stay-at-home mother seeking to make the journey of life-long learning fun by reading lots of good books. Rebecca Reads provides reviews of children's literature she has enjoyed with her children; nonfiction that enhances understanding of educational philosophies, history and more; and classical literature that Rebecca enjoys reading.

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