Two friends see events in strikingly different ways in Good News Bad News by Jeff Mack (Chronicle Books, 2012). Using those two phrases, Mack tells the story of a rabbit who wants to picnic with his friend mouse. However, every time Rabbit sees something that he calls “good news,” Mouse has to find something wrong.
This book was a nice reminder to see things with more rose-colored glasses. I loved Rabbit’s sweet pleasantness, and while I unfortunately relate to Mouse’s glass “half-empty” in some respects (how sorry I am that I am a pessimist), I loved Mouse’s eventual rescue for the happy day. A lesson for me to remember! My 5-year-old son loved that this book had so few words, and that the recurring pattern was a predictable one.
Note: I read this book from a library copy for consideration for the Cybils award. I was not compensated in any way for my opinions.