Follow the Moon Home: A Tale of One Idea, Twenty Kids, and a Hundred Sea Turtles by Phillippe Cousteau and Deborah Hopkinson (illustrated by Meilo So; Chronicle, 2016). Watercolor illustrations and friendly text with unique typography share the story of a child new to the area that spearheads a class project. The project, “Lights Out

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Unicorns prepare to take over earth in the picture book Invasion of the Unicorns by David Biedrzycki (Charlesbridge, 2021). The story follows the daily journal-like report from one particular unicorn, who is conveniently similar to a stuffed animal, as it reports back to its home planet about what earth life is like. The unicorn complains

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Our Colonial Year written and illustrated by Cheryl Harness (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2005) is a unique picture book to introduce the thirteen original colonies in the Americas, using a calendar as a frame. Each month of the year is represented by a different colony, with an illustration to show the way

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