Microbes have never been as fascinating to a young child as they are in the nonfiction picture Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes by Nicola Davies (illustrated by Emily Sutton; Candlewick, 2016; originally published 2014 as Tiny: The Invisible World of Microbes) . As with other nonfiction books by Davies, this illustrated book has a nice balance of illustration and factual text to teach about the smallest of microbes to young children. The text just the right length for a read-aloud.
The author addresses the almost incomprehensible small-ness of microbes. She also shares where microbes are found, and the good and bad types of microbes. Illustrations show how different microbes have different shapes, and the ways microbes “eat” and multiple. She reminds of how we can keep ourselves well from germs by washing our hands. Finally, she ends with a gorgeous paragraph microbes are so important because they make the whole world function properly.
The illustrator’s gentle illustrations match the text in tone. I love the final spread with the view of the earth from space, once again contrasting the vastness of many with the microscopic microbes at the center of this text. Davies and Sutton have worked together before. This book fits right in with all the other marvelous nonfiction books they have created.